Tuesday 31 January 2017

National Sweater Day!

Our school will be taking part in National Sweater Day on Thursday, February 2! National Sweater Day is an annual event organized by World Wildlife Fund Canada. On National Sweater Day, WWF asks Canadians to turn down thermostats by two degrees Celsius at home, at school and at work to highlight the role that energy conservation plays in preventing climate change.

Our school buildings will be a little chillier on February 2, so we are asking that all students wear or bring a sweater to school. 

In addition to turning down the heat and turning up our sweaters, our school will be participating in a number of activities designed to help students understand how everyday actions affect our planet’s future.
We are also holding a contest for coziest, most colourful, sportiest, craziest, or most nature like sweater
We are looking forward to a cozy day in the school. 

Monday 23 January 2017

Counting coins

This week in Math we start exploring Canadian currency and working with dollar amounts. We will be adding and subtracting dollar amounts using play money. This is an important component of our deep learning journey as we want to explore financial literacy. If there are any parents who have experience in financial literacy, we would love to have you come and share your experiences with the class.

In language we are exploring First Nations culture and will begin writing to give information. 

The school will also be holding a pajama drive. Please see link to poster below for more info.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Deep Learning

Today your child came home with a consent package related to the deep learning project that all the grade 2 classes will be participating in at our school. Please have these forms completed and returned to school as soon as possible. To find out more about our learning journey, please view the video below which was created by our very own Mrs. Latour.

You can also find out more about what is going on in our school board in regards to deep learning through Twitter by following the #ocsbdl hashtag. 

Students have also received their Reconciliation booklets titled "God Has Forgiven You, Go in Peace". Typically we will begin a page at school and complete it at home. I appreciate the support of all of our parents in preparing the class for this important step in their spiritual journey. I recognize that not all parents wish to have their child participate in the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion. However the activities in the booklet are still valuable for all of us to do, to reflect on the stories from the Bible and to learn how to be better friends and how to make up for times when we have done wrong to another. If their are any questions please feel free to contact me through your child's agenda. 

Monday 9 January 2017

Happy New Year.

I hope everyone had a happy and restful Christmas break. This week we are back into the thick of things with a new homework calendar for January and a letter from St Patrick's Fallowfield regarding Reconciliation and First Communion as well as some dates to remember to prepare for these Sacraments. 

There will also be some changes to how Class Dojo is used. Instead of receiving a reward at a set number of points, students can cash in their points on Fridays during second block to receive a prize. Students can save up points for a more valuable prize or reward. As a result all class Dojo points have been reset to 0 as a fresh start for the new year. 

Please enjoy some pictures of our Christmas concert which the students did so well at. I am very proud of their hard work in performing a beautiful song. 

Waiting in the hallway for our turn to shine
It's a packed house!
Waiting in the wings. Everyone is quiet and focussed. 
Singing our hearts out with Ms. O'Neil's grade 3 class
Time to let loose! Great job everyone!