Friday 28 April 2017

Education Week

Next week is education week which is a showcase for our school and school board. We have been hard at work getting ready for this week and for the open house. The Grade 2's have been especially busy as we have chosen this week to sell our My Community picture book which includes pictures taken by our grade 2's as well as grade 5 students from St. Luke in Barrhaven and Grade 5 students at Alookie school in Pangnirtung, Nunavut. We have been preparing ads to play over the school announcements. Here's what we have so far.

Please help support this project.

I would also love to see you at the open house on Tuesday May 2, 2017 from 8:30-9:15 followed by an in class activity until 10:00 which parents are invited to take part in.

Thursday 20 April 2017


I hope that you have all had a happy and blessed Easter. We celebrate that Jesus is Risen. We also celebrate our earth week at St. Anne's which will culminate in our eco parade on Friday April 21.

We have been working this week on exploring 3D shapes by naming them, and describing them by the number of vertices, edges and faces. We are also discovering how a 3D shape is made up of 2D shapes.

In language we are working on writing to persuade. We worked in groups by discussing and coming up with 3 things that should be packed into the crate that is going to Pangnirtung and finding reasons to include each of those things.  We also read the story I wanna Iguana and had students write a letter persuading their parents to get them a pet. Parents are under no obligation to get their child a pet but please praise their efforts when the letter comes home later next week.

We are also wrapping up our exploration of solids and liquids in science by creating a structure that can float for 2 minutes in water, be moved 1 m by a fan and hold a little lego figure. A student posed the question whether or not cardstock would be a better choice than paper. We decided to do a test by floating a piece of paper and a piece cardstock. in a container for 2 minutes.
The cardstock still kept its shape but the paper quickly absorbed the water. 
Basketball skills in the gym.

Attending the stations of the cross put on by Grade 6 students.

working on the crate top. Oops we spilled some paint.
Our completed crate. We made our oops into a beautiful oops. Way to stay positive Grade 2's.

Tomatosphere. Most seeds germinated. This little guy came up but did not put out any leaves. 
Creating our Easter posters on cardstock. 

Friday 7 April 2017

Busy beavers

This past week we have continued to explore different strategies for subtraction. We also built igloos last week as a way to practice procedural writing. We will finish procedural writing next week. We will also begin exploring time and temperature. Here are some highlights from the past week. 
Igloo construction
Sometimes it doesn't always work out. 
But we still keep trying

Rocks and rings curling.
We have also been practicing our addition and subtraction by keeping track of the Senators playoff run. They have finally clinched a playoff spot. Go sens go.