Friday 24 March 2017

Building an igloo and other procedures

This week in language we worked on procedural writing. We built our own creation out of Lego and then wrote how to build each step. 
We then read the story "Grandfather tell us about the igloo." We then came up with the steps for how the Inuit built igloos. We also decided that it would be great to build an igloo as a class. However we had just learned that to build an igloo you need hard packed snow. Because the recently fallen snow wasn't hard enough or deep enough we decided to build individual igloos indoors. Sugar cubes were used because they are the most like the hard packed snow and we used homemade icing to stick them together for extra strength. Igloos are being sent home today. Hopefully they will still be standing when they arrive home. 
Unfortunately there are sometimes cave ins. 
This cap cube was attached by putting icing on both sides of the cube and letting the pressure from the other cubes help keep it in place. 
Examining the waterproofness and structural integrity of the igloo. Students have since been instructed to check with parents before consuming their igloo. Some students were also inspired to build an Inukshuk beside the igloo. 

Friday 10 March 2017

Capturing Community

It has been brought to my attention that some students were unable to see the Capturing Community workspace in Hapara. I have reshared the workspace and all students should be able to see the workspace now. The workspace is in the ANN-1LAN-22-1617 folder.

When submitting a photo insert an image into the Google slides under Evidence by first opening the document. The insert image and also add a one to two sentence caption describing why this picture best represents your community. 

Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions or difficulties logging in. 

Have a safe and enjoyable March Break! 

Wednesday 1 March 2017

40 days of Lent and Spirit Week.

Today marks the beginning of Lent with our celebration of Ash Wednesday. We receive ashes on our foreheads to symbolize a turning away from our bad choices and a turning towards good choices that build ourselves and our community. Tat is why as a school we are ebarking on the 40 days for Leny challenge.

Lent is a time when we think of others and try to make better choices. We do works of charity and make sacrifices to help others. During this Lenten season, we're challenging all the Lions of St. Anne to complete 40 Acts. We call it “The 40 Act Challenge”!

At the beginning of each day, we will read out a challenge act for you to complete at some point during the day. You may complete the act as often as you want. It can be for anyone: friends, classmates, someone you see on the yard, teachers, and other staff in the school. You can also continue this when you go home at the end of the day with your parents, brothers, sisters, and grandparents. This is a special way for all of us to come together and show how much we care for our St. Anne Lion Family. Remember, we're all in this together – all students and all staff. Let's make these 40 days an opportunity to make a difference.

Next week we will also hold our spirit week as a lead up to March Break. The events and explanation is below. All proceeds will go to support the St. Anne Kingdom Club Social Justice initiatives.

We take the time of Lent to teach the children about being a light in the darkness. One of the ways children can let their light shine is by helping others. The week of March 6 is a fundraising Spirit week. Each student is encouraged to bring in a loonie or a toonie each day and participate in the fun. Funds will go to our Lenten initiatives.

March 6 – PJ Day

March 7 – Stuffy Day

March 8 – Jersey Day

March 9 – Lion School Spirit Day

March 10 – Tacky Tourist Day